Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"GHOST OF A CHANCE, I and II" (PR-1613-1614): Facing Fears

This two-parter was great for half then pretty much sunk.

After watching "ONE MASTER TOO MANY" again, I was teetering on giving it a 5, but now I'll finally do it with the first part here. Yeah, overconfidence can be annoying (especially from Superboy Blue), but I'm not at all surprised the Rangers got that way. I liked how the used all 3 weapons and zords because, heck, THEY CAN. Mog never had a chance.

Nice to see Dai Shi/Jarrod wanna get out there and kick some ass. I really felt the "OH SHIT" factor. Pretty sweet battle between him and RJ. Poor Camille just disappeared briefly. >_> Bonus points owning the bike. I liked how the non-speaking temple guards were used too.

Nice to see Master Mao and the forbidden room again. Great to see Michelle Langstone back on the show too.

And then, there was Part II...

Instead of any sort of training with Rilla, Guin and Lope our heros have to....face their fears. Lily's was pretty decent, Theo's was lame and Casey's fear of something in the closet was clearly just the writers catering to the young kids, who may believe something is in their closet. -_- Meh. This could've been done a lot better.

How could the spirit Masters not know anything about Dai Shi escaping or anything? Geez.

Finally, Fran finds out. I liked how she went up to the loft to turn off the TV and saw the Rangers and the action on the screens, since they probably never would've told her otherwise.

The laser-jets just look....weird. It was obvious they milked them to death. The Geki footage certainly looked better. SWAT and Legend Modes had better intro episodes than this. :\

Loved Fran's line at the end: "Hello Rangers. Power....Rangers..." The Rangers and RJs reactions were great.

Based on this season individually, Part I was awesome -- everything I'd expect. Part II gets a 3, for not being TOO bad, but enough that could've been done differently. And RJ was great as always in both parts. Totally the best written character with the best lines. :D

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