Sunday, July 7, 2024

Few thoughts on alternate MMPR DOTD

After seeing Adrian Carr's recent uploaded version of "DAY OF THE DUMPSTER" I couldn't help but wish it had been the one that aired. Between the first PMC way back in 2007, and around 11 years since I last watched the entire first season, I had forgotten Tony Oliver screened the chili scene, and the beginning of it ended up as the ending in "BIG SISTERS." But finally seeing the full episode, I thought it worked much better than the karate lesson we got instead, which was basically taken from "DARK WARRIOR."

I also really liked that there was a bit more ZyuRanger footage of Rita establishing her return before starting the attack on Earth. The first Putty fight wasn't all that different but originally was longer I thought was cool. We also get a completely different shot of the teens being teleported out of the Juice Bar for the first time and a third version of the original morphing sequence! Also one of the biggest surprises, this version used the Goatan zord fight from "LIONS AND BLIZZARDS" (called "Two-Headed Terror" here). I'm assuming that was changed to a fight with Goldar to raise the stakes a bit more for the premiere than to just use a standard monster. Even after 30 years, it's great to still be surprised by the show.

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