Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY" (PR-1606): All Filler, No Thriller

Jungle Fury has yet to really redeem itself after "A TASTE OF POISON." This was just a weird episode. Do I blame Geki for doing this originally or JF for straight ripping it? I haven't seen Geki's version yet (which I'm sure is a little better anyway), so probably both is to blame but more so our writers complete lack of doing anything but a translation. -_-

Monsters getting character development. Oh boy. Of course we'll never get anywhere with the Rangers but monsters hooking up is okay! o_O GAH... Do they have to keep in EVERYTHING?!

The "Thriller" dancing Rinishi were cool. I did like that.

Disney must love being able to use the pop tracks as background music. I really don't mind it, actually. But I can't help but wonder who the artists are.

I liked how Lily had to practice the dance moves with the guys, but I really wasn't feeling their rivalry. These fillers are getting old fast and I'm awaiting the Master Phant episode coming up after the next one.

Yet again, 3/5.

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