Sunday, April 25, 2010

S-9.18 "Upgrade" and 9.19 "Charade"

Have to say I enjoyed John's attitude Upgrade.

I thought this episode moved things along nicely. Liked the focus between John & Lois and Clark & Zod teaming up. Loved the part in the FoS.

Props for returning to Seattle.

All the focus on the whole Charade of Clark's was a great surprise.

Loved how the relationship lines really blurred together. Lois realizing she can't know the Blur's identity speaking to Clark that he can't reveal who he is was well done. Had no clue they'd go so far as so have them touch hands. Yeah, it's possible she could realize deep down that it's Clark.

Will Zod try to pose as the Blur again? A quick scene like that would be nice.

Clark jumping through the glass and overlapping the image was another one of the most beautiful scenes the show has done. Checkmate Attic = Instant Win

My guess is that the Red Queen is Martha (in which case that was clearly a stand-in) or might be someone new. I can't see it being Chloe.

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